New York, NY : Asian Wave Alliance, a nonpartisan political club, urges Asian New Yorkers to register with a party affiliation for New York City’s 2025 elections. The deadline to change registration is February 14, 2025.
In New York, most political contests are determined in the primary elections, but because NY’s primary elections are “closed” —where only registered Democrats can vote in Democratic primaries, and only registered Republicans can vote in Republican primaries — voters who are “independent” (not affiliated with either party), are allowed to vote only in the November general elections leaving them out of half the electoral process.
AWA recognizes this year to be a consequential high stakes election year for NYC where we will elect a mayor for the next four years. The mayor of NYC has immense power in setting the priorities for policies & budget for policing, transportation, zoning, housing, and education which greatly impacts quality of life for the Asian American community. Also up for election are all 51 city council members who are the checks and balances for City Hall and are responsible for laws at the local level.
“It’s absolutely essential that the Asian community utilize our voting power this year and work together as a voting group because our collective voice will not be so easily ignored.”, said Amy Tse, treasurer of Asian Wave Alliance.
“We have no one to blame but ourselves for the state of NYC if we are not doing the minimum duty of casting votes for those who will serve in our best interests.” said Jean Hahn, co-Vice President of AWA.
If members of the Asian American community want to have a say on issues that affect us, AWA strongly encourages voters to take part in the June primary elections by 1) making sure they are registered to vote, and 2) affiliating with either the Democrat or Republican party before the February 14 deadline.
Learn more about how to update your voter registration on the Asian Wave Alliance website by February 14. https://www.asianwavealliance. org/vote
About Asian Wave Alliance
Asian Wave Alliance is a nonpartisan political club formed to help educate and organize Asian voters. Our focus is on local, state and national issues that affect our daily lives, our rights and freedom, and the future prosperity of our children.